Personal Magnetism – How to attract success!
Are you attracting what you want in life? Do you know what you want? Let’s look at what we do have. Let’s be grateful for the positive things we have attracted both tangible and intangible. We often don’t take the time to really focus on abundance. So often we’re striving for the next client, the bigger car, the next goal, the bigger bank account. More money, more time, more clients, more toys, and more stuff. Or we focus on less. Less work, less stress, less weight. Let’s focus on what we have. As we work on ourselves and find ourselves attractive we will be able to draw our wants and needs to ourselves like a living magnet.
What do you really want? Not what you “should” want, but really want for you?
In order to use the principles of attraction you have to define what you want to attract.
When we get what we want we often don’t give ourselves credit for having gotten it. We call it luck or serendipity. When we are at our best it is natural to attract success. We will have more energy and a natural power.
What’s going on for you now that’s hurting your personal magnetism?
Are you doing complete work? Are you doing one thing at a time? Or do you have unfinished projects? I got a call from someone who had invented a product years ago, He even had a patent on it, but hadn’t done anything to market the product. It was a constant drain. Every time he thought about doing something with his invention he felt stuck. This drained him of energy. He created some action steps and he felt energized and excited about getting his invention to market.
Procrastination is one of the biggest energy drains.
A woman called me recently about coaching. Her biggest challenge was procrastination. She keeps putting things off and it’s causing stress in her life. We talked for about 30 minutes and created action steps for her to work on. She said the coaching session was really valuable and she was optimistic about improving her situation. When I asked her when she wanted to get started she said, “I’ll have to get back to you. Maybe we can start in a month, but not right now.” I said, “Sure,” and wished her luck. I hung up and smiled. She was procrastinating about hiring a coach to help her with her challenge of procrastinating.
In order to develop personal magnetism, let’s look at another principle of attraction. It’s important to build reserves. So often people are overwhelmed. They juggle lots of balls in the air. One of the best ways to become more attractive is to eliminate something on your schedule. Is there an activity you are involved with that you can say “no” to? Do you build reserves? Do you have a reserve of money? When people are financially challenged it’s helpful to keep a money log. Every cent they spend must be logged in a book. The coffee, newspaper, anything purchased. When they keep a log they are often surprised at where the money goes. Do you have a reserve of time? Keeping a time log is also very helpful. You might want to keep a daily calendar for one week documenting how you spend every hour. The TV, phone calls, eating, sleeping, etc. It is often an eye-opener. When you see how you are spending your time, you can often eliminate what’s not really in line with your vision and build a reserve of time.
It’s very attractive to meet someone who is obviously not rushed and overwhelmed. They do have a personal magnetism and you are attracted to them. What do you have to do to develop the principles of attraction? Eliminate what drains you of energy and add things that give you joy.